About Us
iTreatMD brings together a team of technology and industry experts combined with first-account insight of medical practitioners to help healthcare organizations increase efficiencies and the quality of their patient engagements. By unlocking the power of AI and Machine learning technologies, iTreatMD reduces your administrative tasks and generate more billable revenue.
Our team has spent decades practicing medicine as clinicians and has partnered with several major Silicon Valley enterprises to create a software solution aimed at tackling one the biggest challenges physicians face every day, burnout.

Our Story
Dr. George Krucik practiced as an internal medicine practitioner, having to visit several of his patients at various different post-acute facilities. After his rounds, he had to re-type clinical information in his EMR, create encounter notes, and upload that back into his facility’s EMR which was very frustrating and time consuming – time that could have been better spent on patient care.
Having a background in computer science, Dr. Krucik knew he had to find a simpler way to manage notes and track his patients across multiple facilities to monitor their conditions. Thus, iTreatMD was born!